"Your Grace's displeasure and my imprisonment are things so strange unto me as what to write or what to excuse I am altogether ignorant. Whereas you sent unto me, willing me to confess a truth and so to obtain your favour, by such an one whom you know to be my ancient professed enemy, I no sooner received this message by him than I rightly conceived your meaning; and if, as you say, confessing a truth indeed may procure my safety, I shall with all willingness and duty perform your command." But do not imagine that your poor wife will ever confess a fault which she never even imagined. Never had prince a more dutiful wife than you have in Anne Boleyn, "with which name and place I could willingly have contented myself if God and your Grace's pleasure had so been pleased." Nor did I ever so far forget myself in my exaltation but that I always looked for such an alteration as now; my preferment being only grounded on your Grace's fancy. You chose me from a low estate, and I beg you not to let an unworthy stain of disloyalty blot me and the infant Princess your daughter. Let me have a lawful trial, and let not my enemies be my judges. Let it be an open trial, I fear no open shames, and you will see my innocency cleared or my guilt openly proved; in which case you are at liberty both to punish me as an unfaithful wife, and to follow your affection, already settled on that party for whose sake I am now as I am, "whose name I could somewhile since have pointed unto, your Grace being not ignorant of my suspicion therein." But if you have already determined that my death and an infamous slander will bring you the enjoyment of your desired happiness, then I pray God he will pardon your great sin, and my enemies, the instruments thereof. My innocence will be known at the Day of Judgment. My last request is that I alone may bear the burden of your displeasure, and not those poor gentlemen, who, I understand, are likewise imprisoned for my sake. "If ever I have found favor in your sight, if ever the name of Anne Boleyn has been pleasing in your ears, let me obtain this request, and so I will leave to trouble your Grace any further."
"Execution criminal hecha en Inglatierra el 16 (fn. 9) de Mayo 1536."
The count (viscount) Rochefort, brother of the queen (unjustly so called) Anne Boleyn, was beheaded with an axe upon a scaffold before the Tower of London. He made a very catholic address to the people, saying he had not come thither to preach, but to serve as a mirror and example, acknowledging his sins against God and the King, and declaring he need not recite the causes why he was condemned, as it could give no pleasure to hear them. He first desired mercy and pardon of God, and afterwards of the King and all others whom he might have offended, and hoped that men would not follow the vanities of the world and the flatteries of the Court, which had brought him to that shameful end. He said if he had followed the teachings of the Gospel, which he had often read, he would not have fallen into this danger, for a good doer was far better than a good reader. In the end, he pardoned those who had condemned him to death, and asked the people to pray for his soul. After him Norris was beheaded, then Weston and Brereton, and Marc, the player on the spinnet, who said scarcely anything except to cry mercy of God and the King, and beg people to pray for their souls. Brereton and Marc were afterwards quartered.
The said Queen (unjustly called) finally was beheaded upon a scaffold within the Tower with open gates. She was brought by the captain upon the said scaffold, and four young ladies followed her. She looked frequently behind her, and when she got upon the scaffold was very much exhausted and amazed. She begged leave to speak to the people, promising to say nothing but what was good. The captain gave her leave, and she began to raise her eyes to Heaven, and cry mercy to God and to the King for the offence she had done, desiring the people always to pray to God for the King, for he was a good, gentle, gracious, and amiable prince. She was then stripped of her short mantle furred with ermines, and afterwards took off her hood, which was of English make, herself. A young lady presented her with a linen cap, with which she covered her hair, and she knelt down, fastening her clothes about her feet, and one of the said ladies bandaged her eyes.
6 commentaires:
Lady Anne !
Chaque fois que j'apprend qu'elle est morte, ça me fait le même effet ^^ ! D'ailleurs la série The Tudors n'avait plus autant de saveur sans elle. Quasiment la moitié du livre d'Alison Weir, The Six Wives of Henry VIII, lui est consacrée, et l'on comprend pourquoi, des 6 elle fut certainement la plus audacieuse, la plus progressiste, sans doute pas la plus malheureuse, ce qui ne veut pas dire qu'elle nageait dans le bonheur, elle fut probablement la plus lucide.
A ce propos, je ne peux pas m'empêcher de citer un passage du livre :
"Chapuys records that at the banquet, the admiral sat talking to the queen while they watched the dancing. Then the King arrived and told Anne he would fetch the Admiral's secretary and present him to her. Moments after his departure, de Brion realised that Anne was no longer taking part in their conversation: she was glancing about the hall furtively. Then, to his consternation, she suddenly burst out laughing. The Admiral, ever concious of his dignity, asked if she were amusing herself at his expense, but she shook her head, still laughing, although tears were in her eyes as she pointed across to where the king was standing. 'He went to fetch your secretary,' she said, 'but he met a lady, who made him forget the matter!'and she laughed again, but without mirth."
Quel joli commentaire Gabriel! Merci beaucoup! Je ne connaissais pas du tout cette citation de Chapuys et pourtant je les ai épluché les archives tu peux me croire! (mais il est vrai que par moment Chapuys me sortait par les yeux).
Je note donc cette réplique effectivement très lucide!
Tu parles du livre d'Alison Weir mais elle s'impose également dans la moitié du livre d'Antonia Fraser et surtout celui de David Starkey "Six wives" que je te recommande.
Je te signale aussi, (si comme moi tu es passionnée par the sweet Lady Anne) que tu devrais trouver ton bonheur dans la biographie d'Eric Yves (un autre amoureux transi) et dans celle d'Elizabeth Norton!
Bonjour! Je ne sais pas où laisser ce commentaire, alors je m'impose un petit peu ici.
Je viens de visiter ton blogue pour la première fois, et je dois dire que je l'adore! Nous avons beaucoup de liens en commun je dois dire. Me permettrais-tu de rajouter ton blogue à mes favoris s'il te plait?
J'en serais ravie!
Bonne continuation!
Bien sûr Mascha, ce serait avec grand plaisir! Je suis heureuse que tu apprécies le blog! J'ai d'ailleurs répondu à presque tous tes commentaires et je te remercie de les avoir posté! De mon côté je compte ajouter les tiens dans la liste des blogs à voir, parce qu'ils me plaisent déjà ^^
Youppi, merci bien! ;)
Encore une femme innocente morte à l'échafaud... Il y en a tant, c'est désolant !
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